Saturday, July 30, 2011

july 29 - 32.9!

Gumby and the Deuce were joined by wife Judy and friend Val to do what no sane man would do: Complete segment 6 in one day. Segment 6 is 32.9 miles of rough trail between Breck and Kenosha Pass. The gang of 4 left skipping Breck about 8 am with high hopes of a marathon plus day. Claudia and I drove Jude's car to Kenosha so that when they arrived arrived they would access to supplies and Judy and Val a ride home.

Claudia and I then headed down the CT for our 22 mile day. we met the happy group of 4 as they were headed up to Georgia Pass. We finished our trak and a steak in Frisco and they continued up the road to Kenosha. Val and Gumby arrived @ 11:30 and the lovebirds showed up around 1:15. All this time i was asleep in a warm bed

Val and Jude headed back to the Springs and Gumby and the Deuce headed on to Denver.

The boys are getting close to the mile high city.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

July 26 - Gold Hill and a day or two off

Last night the three musketeers arrived to Copper Mountain and ate the village out of pizza. My guess is that a bad pizza is better than a good pop tart. What do you think?

This AM they busted out of Copper and headed over to the Gold Hill trailhead which intersects Highway 9 between Breck and Frisco. They will then catch the free Summit Stage to Silverthorn for a day or two of well deserved rest @ the Deuce's condo. My understanding is that Pop Tart will stay on the trail and keep pushing towards Denver.

The gang of three has completed over 380 miles and have about 105 to go. They are on schedule to finish this month. Nice.

Claudia and I hope to hook up with Gumby and the Deuce on Friday to kick start them towards the finish.

Also, Timmy's cellphone crashed and is out of communicado.


Sunday, July 24, 2011

July 23 - Pancakes, not Pop Tarts

Pop Tart, Gumby and the Deuce woke up Saturday AM and were welcomed to a wonderful feast of scrambled eggs and high altitude pancakes at the Leadville Hostel. They then hitched a ride to Half Moon campground, courtesy of Wild Bill, where they tore through Segment 10 like Pop Tart eats Pop Tarts. As of last night, they had entered Segment nine a few miles and were still cruising. They are now in the Holy Cross Wilderness area. This area is one of Colorado's treasures.

The boys are well over the 300 mile mark and are rapidly closing in on the magical "100 miles left to go" mile marker. That must be a great feeling. Except the feet might be a little sore.

Yesterday Claudia, my daughter and CT companion, completed Segment 7. We were checking it out for the gang of three. We had a great time and ran into a guy that is going to compete in the CT bike race next week. He expects to complete the entire route in less than 6 days. Yesterday he was going from Breck to Half Moon Campground. That is just a little shy of 100 miles. He was trying out his new system which consisted of a three pound pack that included his shelter, sleeping bag and pad. The race is totally self supportive. Check it out on: .

In any case, I asked him what he ate on the trail. You will never guess. POP TARTS!! Go figure.


Friday, July 22, 2011

July 22 – Lounging around

Gumby, Pop Tart and the Deuce are lounging around the world class Leadville Hostel (watch out for the hot water) devouring cheeseburgers, onion rings, and get this, POP TARTS, as they prepare for the next 170 miles. That’s right, the kids have 316 in the book and, from what I hear, it is all downhill from Leadville. Only 170 miles to go. They finished, around noon, at the well known Half Moon campground, trailhead for Colorado’s highest peak, Mount Elbert. Tomorrow they will start at the foot of Mt Massive and will camp near Turquoise Lake before heading over Tennessee Pass and onto Camp Hale, home of the 10th Mountain Division.

I just talked to Hawkeye. They had another grand feast, this time pasta and garlic bread, and are headed to another round of hot showers and some shut-eye.

Keep the boys in your prayers.


Thursday, July 21, 2011

July 21 - Dog of Sam

After a night of camping with 40+ boy scouts from Missouri, Pop Tart, Gumby and the Deuce have skirted Princeton and Yale and are sliding into Twin Lakes. Segment 11 is in the books. After the next segment, they will be into single digits. Tonight they are camping very close to where a bear attacked a camper a week ago. Timmy told me that he is going to sleep up in the trees tonight. Don’t bears climb trees? If Tim calls you tonight, don’t tell him. He thinks he will be safe.
The boys also ran into a gravesite for a dog. Who buries a dog on the CT? The grave marker stated that the dog’s name was Sam? I wonder if he meant the Son of Sam or the Dog of Sam. Did Berkowitz escape the NY prison system and is he hanging out on the CT looking for Gumby?
Tomorrow they will have a short day and be heading into Leadville to stay at the Leadville Hostel. A nice place to hang out and enjoy the hospitality. They will be able to shower, wash clothes and swap Son of Sam and bear stories.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

July 19 - Pass the Spring?

Well, PopTart, Gumby and the Deuce are focused beyond belief. They walked right past the Mt Princeton Hot Springs and continued up an uphill portion of the CT. They are not resting comfortably somewhere between Cottonwood Pass and Middle Cottonwood Pass, which is just south of North Cottonwood Pass. Man, must be a lot of cottonwoods around that part of the CT.

The Deuce did mention that the mosquitoes are enjoying life with all the moisture in the hi-country. I don't know about you, but the only way I can escape the bugs is to out-hike them; which is hard to do with a 30 pound pack.


Monday, July 18, 2011

July 18 - and a third

Gumby, the Deuce and Pop Tart! While we are sweltering in the heat of the plains the trio is camped by Chalk Creek enjoying the cool, or not so cool, mountain weather. Section 14 is in the books and tomorrow they walk past the Hot Springs on their way to N. Cottonwood Pass. It is almost 20 miles uphill and then 3 or 4 straight downhill. Gonna be a grunt.

Gumby and the Deuce have picked up a third. They are now hiking with Paul (AKA Pop Tart). Pop Tart hiked the Pacific Coast Trail last year and it hitting the CT this year. Tim and Pat dubbed him Pop Tart as he is not carrying a stove and is living off summer sausage and pop tarts! Nice. My kind of hiker.

Also, yesterday they ran into Wally W. Wally has climbed with the AdAmAn Club for many years, as has Tim, and they were very happy to run into each other on the trail when it was not 38 below zero. Wally is segment hiking the CT. He hikes a segment ½ way and returns to his car. When he is done, he will have completed the CT two times.

I like my way better. Downhill and a day at a time.


Sunday, July 17, 2011

July 17 – Are conjugal visits allowed on the CT?

Gumby and the Deuce have arrived to Highway 50 and have completed just about 50% of the CT. Their reward? Some hot chicks picked them and proceeded to take them to Salida for a double quarter pounder with fries (supersized) and a full dinner this evening. They will also be washing some clothes, charging some batteries and getting ready for the 2nd half.

So, my question stands: Are conjugal visits allowed on the CT? And, if they are not, do the boyz have to start over again??

Saturday, July 16, 2011

July 16 – The altitude is getting to Hawkeye

Gumby and the Deuce are flying through the Mesa. Timmy just called and stated they are 4 miles from Marshall Pass and then it is all downhill to Highway 50 and a mid-day tomorrow meet-up with Mrs Tim. She will escort the boys to Salida for a shower (my guess is a shower is much needed) and some good grub. Then, back on the trail for the jaunt over to Mt. Princeton Hot Springs. Sweet.

Before Tim departed Durango I mentioned to him that Claudia, my daughter, and I met three young southbound hikers from Georgia. The trio was made up of a guy and two women. One woman hiked in a skirt and the guy had hiked the AT. We met them three times in two days. At the trailhead for Segment 10, later in the day on Segment 10, and then again the next day on Segment 11. We told them to watch out for Hawkeye and Gumby and gave them an estimate of when they might cross paths.

Yesterday I asked Tim if he had run into them. He said, “No. Well, maybe, where were they from?” I stated “Atlanta”. And, Tim responded “Ahhh….yeah…we ran into them, they came down the trail and asked if I was Hawkeye”. They chatted for a long time and Tim could not make the connection between them knowing his trail name, a father daughter downhill segment hiking team and the fact I had told Tim to be looking for the trio. Must be either old age or the altitude that is getting to him. Maybe both.

The boys are reporting great weather and their bodies are holding up very well.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

July 13 - While we were watching golf....

While we were watching golf the boys were making tracks! Today Gumby and the Deuce will arrive to Hwy 114 after trekking over 108 miles. They have now have completed 11 of the 28 segments. They have walked 180 miles and only have about 300 to go. Nice work.

Gumby had a blow-out that forced him to hustle into Gunnison for a new set of hiking boots which left Hawkeye to fend for himself. Today they reunite and head up to Sargents Mesa and then over Marshall Pass.

The cell phone coverage has been spotty and as such we are not getting a great number of reports.

The rain has tagged them a few times and I guess that is why you always take a rain coat when you hike the CT.

More later.

Friday, July 8, 2011

July 7 - phase one complete!

The boyz have rolled into Silverton after having completed 5 segments and 73.9 miles of mostly uphill terrain. Trail conditions for the last two segments have been wet with multiple snowfield crossings. For you experienced trekkers out there, you know how tedious crossing snow fields can be. Not to mention how difficult route finding can be when you can't see the trail Gumby and the Deuce are happy they started from the south as there are still segments in the north that are impassable.

Upon their arrival to Silverton they consumed BBQ chicken and beef followed later by pizza and a few beers Why would they be so hungary?

Yesterday Tim tweaked his knee crossing a snowfield and Pat his back crossing a creek the risks on high altitude hiking

This AM they departed the comforts of Silverton for the T-storms of the San Juans. The next few days will be spent above 12,000 feet. Ouch. That is high.

Stay tuned!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July 5 - Segment 27 is in the books!

Gumby and the Deuce hiked segment 27 yesterday and today, on their way to the Mile Hi City, and they reported a dozen down trees, a few snow drifts and improving conditions. Nice. It seems like the unusually high snow pack this year has yet to have an impact on their walk. With segment 27 complete they are now entering Segment 26. Seg 26, 25 and 24 are very isolated. However, by Thursday they intend to be finishing Segment 24 (Molas Pass) and headed into Silverton for some supplies, hot shower and a cold brew. Heavy on the cold brew.

They did run into a down fawn today. It was just a few feet off the trail. Not much you can do about that as there are not too many vet clinics in the area!

More later. Adios.

Monday, July 4, 2011

July 4 – Bikers, bikers and more bikers...

Tim checked in and I guess Gumby is setting quite the pace on the trail today. They have just completed Segment 28 and are headed to Taylor Lake. Looks like they have gained over 4,000 feet since their first step. Wow. That is almost straight uphill. The Deuce has seen a ton of bikers on the trail and he has had nothing but good things to say about them. Tonight Taylor Lake and tomorrow they begin a 52 mile trek to Silverton and a warm shower. 52 miles in three days is the plan. Almost all up hill. Why would they not hike that downhill?

23 miles on the books with 462.8 to go, but, whose counting.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Gumby and EL Deuce (AKA Hawkeye)

July 3, 2010: Gumby and EL Deuce (AKA Hawkeye)

Pat Basso (Gumby) and Tim Mcelderry (EL Deuce) are on the trail. This morning around 11:30 AM they abandoned their lovely wives in Durango and headed to Denver. On foot. After they took their first step, they only had 485.8 miles, less one step, to go. Their goal is to hit Denver before the month of July disappears. To do that, they will have to average 16.75 miles per day. Every day. No days off.

If you are curious as to how they are doing, check this blog, or Tim’s facebook page, on a regular basis for updates. As Tim calls in; posts will be entered.

As most of you know, Tim completed the Colorado Trail over a two season span a few years ago. This year he is attempting, with his good neighbor Pat, to complete the trek as a through hike from South to North. Thus the trail name “El Deuce (AKA Hawkeye). Wish them luck.

Tim called around 2:20 this afternoon to report in that they had completed their first 5 miles and were awaiting a short T-Storm to pass by before they completing their hoped for 10 mile day. They are on Segment 28 and have a 74 mile hike uphill to Molas Pass. Hmmm….if they only complete 10 miles today and they need 16.75 per day to keep pace, does that mean they are over 6 miles behind schedule??

Stay tuned.